Regardless of your political slant, you can’t ignore the drama surrounding the current political climate. It’s a mess. It might even be a little bit embarrassing. Inside each political party there is infighting, name calling, and accusations flowing like molten lava from a volcano. Intense conflict like that is not sustainable within any organization.
Family businesses sometimes experience the same type of political fighting inside the company (i.e. Gen 1 is comfortable with status quo; Gen 2 is jockeying for expansion into new markets). Unlike a political campaign that promises a resolution (at some level) by an Election Day, the political tension within a family business can fester and become cancerous if not resolved.
To be fair, a difference of opinion is healthy for family business. If every family member continues to feel, believe, think and act the same there is little chance for sustainable growth. But if differences of opinion incite conflict, it’s time to hit the reset button. An argument should not imply anger but instead be a creative and productive activity that engages all parties into seeking the best solution. Long established rivalries and family jealousies can undermine the strength of any family business. Learning to stand together, even when you’re divided on the issues is key to long-term success.
Engaging REGENERATION to help resolve your family conflict is like having a “Nov. 2”. There is an end in sight. Our team pours two decades of expertise into helping you learn how to disagree, debate, even argue in a respectful and professional manner. What results from good communication is an agreement – and not a win/lose outcome.